Inteligencia emocional daniel goleman youtube
Inteligencia emocional daniel goleman youtube

The point is not to feel any particular way while you do it. The benefits come from the fact you practice regularly. It’s like going to the gym you work out no matter how you feel about it. Three: Don’t expect that you’ll feel blissful every time you meditate. But be assured the best research shows that early on people become less reactive to stress and better able to focus, and the longer you persist in a daily practice session, the better the benefits. Two: Don’t expect to see concrete benefits right away. That just means you are noticing how much the mind wanders you’re paying attention inward. From your own extensive experience, can you extrapolate three key learnings that those coming to the practice and looking to adopt it quickly will find most useful?ĭG: One: Don’t be surprised if your mind seems out of control. PRH: Your own history in mindfulness goes back decades, and you’ve had years of in-depth study and research and practice. PRH: Is there anyone for whom mindfulness really won’t work? Any particular personality type?ĭG: The only real indicator of whether mindfulness will work is how motivated you are. And now it’s not some exotic endeavor, but, like yoga, something for everyone. Can you talk a little bit about the moment in time when this shift happened, what took place around the time it became something for everyone?ĭANIEL GOLEMAN: I’d guess the last five years or so have seen an immense upsurge in numbers of people meditating, and a similar uptick in the numbers of meditation apps offered, businesses bringing in mindfulness, and schools teaching kids to train their attention better. Given its surge in popularity, this is clearly not the case. PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE: Many people associate mindfulness and meditation with a particular “type” of person – perhaps someone who skews a little earthier or perhaps more bohemian. We recently corresponded with Daniel to address the rise of meditation, what works in the practice of it, and more. Goleman is a founding member of the board of the Mind and Life Institute, a cofounder of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, and codirector of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. Davidson, is Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body.

inteligencia emocional daniel goleman youtube

He is the author of more than a dozen books, the latest of which, written in collaboration with Richard J. Daniel Goleman is the New York Times bestselling author of the groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence. A psychologist and science journalist, he reported on brain and behavioral research for The New York Times for many years, and has received several awards for his writing.

Inteligencia emocional daniel goleman youtube